29 Products I Don't Understand How You've Lived Your Whole Life Without

Promising review: "It will save your life! Give you wings! Make you taller! More handsome! It will reverse male-pattern baldness!! It will teach your dog to behave! Has been known to bring feuding families back to an amicable place of respect and love! Your glass will always be half full! You will suddenly find yourself only grabbing on-sale items grocery shopping (by accident even!). Just having one PB-Jife in the household has been noted as a confirmed good luck charm and beacon for positivity and fortune to befall you!* Two days on Amazon Prime later, and here I am full of life, typing this with my CLEAN HANDS AND KNUCKLES! After just scraping the bottom of a big ol'peanut butter jar out in two seconds effortlessly. It might look big and awkward (it's a monster of a one-use tool), but seriously if you have an intense dislike for getting PB on your fingertips dealing with jars — this is the solution you've been looking for. Long live PB-Jife.

29 Products I Don't Understand How You've Lived Your Whole Life Without

*Will not do anything in that first paragraph. I'm sorry." —CW

Get it from Amazon for $13.99.