10 budget-savvy cleaning tips using hand gel and coffee filters will leave your house sparkling clean

As the temperature gets warmer and the sun makes a brighter, longer appearance, we can all look forward to nature’s own spotlight being thrown onto our homes. Sadly those dust bunnies lurking in corners that were hidden in the darker winter months will be on full display.

We have some budget cleaning hacks that could help you raise your spring cleaning game this year. Cleaning products can be expensive, however tips shared by NetVoucherCodes.co.uk will save you money by using products that are already in your home and which can double up as cleaning tools.

Here are NetVoucherCodes.co.uk’s tips for cleaning on a budget

Denture cleaning tablets to clean vases

A gorgeous bunch of flowers can brighten up even the most miserable of rooms, but it can leave dirty stains on the bottom and sides of glass vases. To eliminate stains, simply fill the vase with water and drop in one denture-cleaning tablet.

When it’s stopped fizzing, the stains and musty smell will have disappeared.

Alcohol hand gel to remove pen marks from walls

If you’ve got children, chances are you’ve come across pen marks on your walls at some point. Squeeze a little bit of alcohol-based hand gel onto a soft sponge, work it into the pen marks and see them disappear in seconds.

10 budget-savvy cleaning tips using hand gel and coffee filters will leave your house sparkling clean

Sugar will remove nail polish

If you spill nail polish on your floor, quickly sprinkle sugar all over it whilst it’s still wet. The sugar will make the nail polish clump so you can sweep or hoover it up off the floor.

Hand wash delicates using baby shampoo

Some laundry items especially delicates like underwear require hand washing. Instead of shelling out for a box of hand wash powder which you’ll hardly ever use, try using baby shampoo instead for a fraction of the cost.

Hairdryer to clean radiator

Dust and pet hair often collects on the top and behind a radiator which can be hard to reach without dismantling it altogether. Simply blow your hairdryer back and forth on its highest settings to blow out all of the cobwebs, hairs and dirt.

Shower squeegee to clean carpet

No matter how much you hoover, the edges and corners of rooms will collect dust where your vacuum cleaner can’t reach. Simply use the end of the squeegee to scrape the dirt out and then pop the dust balls into the bin.

Toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean tiles

Instead of using a bleach-based spray, try toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean the grout on tiles. The fluoride is a much gentler way to remove the stains and leaves the shower and bath sparkling clean.

It is also great for cleaning around plug-holes and taps. A cheap toothpaste will cost you just pennies and you can use your old toothbrushes instead.

Dishwasher tablet to clean baths

A quick and easy way to clean your bath is to fill it with hot water, drop in a dishwasher tablet and rinse thoroughly after five minutes. The bath is ceramic or plastic, the same as many of your dishes, so it works a treat.

Salt and bicarbonate soda to clean ovens

If you need an abrasive cleaner to remove hardened food on a cooker or baking dishes, mix equal quantities of salt and bicarbonate soda. Coat the surface or pan, leave to soak for around 10 minutes then wash away.

Coffee filters to clean windows

You may have heard of using newspapers to clean windows, but this can leave inky smudges. Surprisingly, coffee filters and a little window spray or even clean water work well.

This leaves no lint traces. The mesh-like quality of the filter paper also catches the dirt without scratching.

A spokesperson for NetVoucherCodes.co.uk said: “It’s that time of year, as the days get longer and the weather warmer that us Brits start to spruce up our homes. If you’re trying to do this on a budget and don’t want to shell out on costly cleaning products, look around your house for some of these items which work surprisingly well as cleaning alternatives."