Home improvement ideas: 100 easy ways to add value to your house

Expert tips on how to transform a property in the eyes of potential buyers

The Sunday Times,

Home improvement ideas: 100 easy ways to add value to your house

Do you, like almost half the people in Britain, have regrets about your home? Not enough storage and too much noise top the list of things 12.5 million households wish they had considered when they bought or rented their property, according to new YouGov research for the HomeOwners Alliance (HOA).

“Staying at home 24/7 is making a lot of owners reconsider their choices,” says Paula Higgins, head of the campaign group. “Our research shows that while we may get the big things right when choosing a home, we often overlook the smaller, less glamorous considerations. A quarter regretted not paying attention to storage, maintenance issues and noise from neighbours or traffic.”

It might not have mattered so much before coronavirus swept the globe, but now…